Friday, 25 January 2013

Australia Day For Every Australian

by Kelly Keegan

Australia has only embraced the 26th of January as an actual national public holiday since 1994.

Now all around our sunburnt country the 26th January is set-aside for all Australians to connect as one. Celebrations down on the beach, backyard barbeques and ceremonious flag bearing for newly pledged citizens are synonymous.  Minus six-degree frothy amber ale flows whilst the Aussie modern feast-a-quest of lamb cutlets, snags, caramelized often-charcoaled onions served with a bowl of iceberg salad.  Few hours’ later, follows dessert consisting of traditionally fashioned Pavlova topped with freshened whipped cream and smothered with ripened summer fruits. For every Australian!

Australia’s increasingly diverse population embraced their new land in doing so Australia has become quite a multicultural and by-lingual country.   Australia day is an opportunity for immigrants to become a naturalized citizen of Australia. Citizenship ceremonies have become an ever increasing public affairs wherefore citizens attending these ceremonies to welcome new citizens making their pledge to Australia and its people by responding with an affirmation, this is a central piece to Australia Day as local community event. Highly received event with many registered applications looking forward to becoming apart of every Australian.

Celebrating Australia: A History of Australia Day;- by Dr Elizabeth Kwan

Friday, 11 January 2013

5000 Ducks Went Out One Day..........


5000 ducks went out one day,  over the hill and far away..............China, Taizhou,  2012, is a city population of  6 million.  Taizhou is located 190 miles south of Shanghai.  A local farmer named Hong took his colony of ducks on an annual traditional pilgrimage of Zhejiang province through the cites, streets causing traffic jam after traffic jam.  Farmer Hong mustered his ducks with a single 10 foot cane, directing the ducks towards the local pod for feeding. Motorist appeared accepting for the migration process and onlookers were respective and quite intrigued.  Over many years farmer Hong prepares the ducks for this journey;-  he said he's never misplaced a duck......and all farmer Hong's ducks came back!

       AAP Image Credit  

Quack!  Quack!


Thursday, 3 January 2013

duckies overboard

Duckies Overboard

29,000 Rubber Duckies Fall Off ShipJanuary 02 2013

"Sad but true mythological fiction" Over a decade ago and before the birth of there lived a simpler rubber duck.  Back then the rubber duck was commonly referred  to as a "yellow rubber duck."  
This occurrence replicated a similar historical event known as the sinking of the Titanic.  In 1992, 29,000 common yellow duckies stowed on Ducktania shipping container on route from China destined to arrive at in the USA for American firm The First Years Inc.  One very duck day, the oceans quacked up,  Ducktania lost most her "precious eggs".  The container full of common yellow duckies fell into the sea and sunk!.   The distressed captain Cluck managed to keep his webbed feet from getting wet and called mayday, SOS by sending his fastest flying pigeon to shore with a message for HELP attached. 
The series of events that had occurred that duck day went viral.  World mass hysteria and interest was news worthy, every newspaper, television and radio stations sent reporters to follow this unlikely cracked egg tale.
Today respected scientist professors, lectures, meteorologist, seismologist, geological weather bureau world wide STILL follow floating yellow duckies with close interest.  Organisations have recorded much detail about yellow duckies traveling around the seas on planet Earth.  Specific documentation of ocean currents made possible because yellow rubber duckies have courageously taken on the twelve seas and landed on various country coastlines.   
Like Water Off A Ducks Back -  Quack!  Quack!

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